Cidan Machinery Sweden AB
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Cidan Machinery Sweden AB
Kategorier: Auto Repairs, Industrial Supplies
- Telefon
- 051124520
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- Hemsida
- Adress
- Järnvägsgatan 15, Götene, VÄSTRA GÖTALANDS LÄN 53330
0 Kundrekommendation
Skriv din recensionCIDAN Machinery has manufactured machines since 1907 and is a well-established company within the sheet metal industry. We manufacture and market the brands CIDAN and Göteneds at our factory in Götene, Sweden. Our history started with the founding of Göteneds Mekaniska Verkstad in Götene, Sweden in 1907 and we have today companies in Denmark, Sweden, China and the U.S. We have been specializing in sheet metal machinery from the very beginning, which has been our success ever since.
- Beskrivning
Ny företagsprofil
CIDAN Machinery has manufactured machines since 1907 and is a well-established company within the sheet metal industry. We manufacture and market the brands CIDAN and Göteneds at our factory in Götene, Sweden. Our history started with the founding of Göteneds Mekaniska Verkstad in Götene, Sweden in 1907 and we have today companies in Denmark, Sweden, China and the U.S. We have been specializing in sheet metal machinery from the very beginning, which has been our success ever since.
Cidan Machinery Sweden AB's Keywords
Maskiner | maskinverktyg | kantviksmaskin | maskingradsax | maskinservice | klippning | plåtbearbetning | rullformning | plåtbearbetningsarbeten | kantviksmaskiner | kantpressning | kantpress | klippsträcka | coil hantering | kantpressar | maskingradsaxar | tunnplåtsbearbetning | tunnplåt | Industrial Supplies | Auto Repairs | Maskiner | maskinverktyg
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