Feniks Er

Telefon: 0624-537 37



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Feniks Er
Kategorier: Unknown

Viktiga kontaktuppgifter till Feniks Er
0624-537 37
Staffanstorp Skåne, 245 37




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Ny företagsprofil

Winfred and Els are inviting you on board of The Feniks, a motor passenger vessel with hotel accommodation. The whole year through we sail with our ship all around the Netherlands and Belgium and we stop at the most beautiful places. On The Feniks we can cater for 20 people in well maintained accommodations with each an individual bathroom with toilet and show. During the daytime activities we have place on board for 28 people." /

  • Ny företagsprofil

    Winfred and Els are inviting you on board of The Feniks, a motor passenger vessel with hotel accommodation. The whole year through we sail with our ship all around the Netherlands and Belgium and we stop at the most beautiful places. On The Feniks we can cater for 20 people in well maintained accommodations with each an individual bathroom with toilet and show. During the daytime activities we have place on board for 28 people." /

Feniks Er's Keywords

boat | Bike | Hiking | sailing | Promotions | Charters | Hotel Accommodation | Barge | Sailing Holidays | Cycling Holidays | Hiking Through Holland