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Business Intelligence

Visual Basic

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Ny företagsprofil

Just-In-Mind AB is a software company focused on the development of highly interactive Internet and Intranet Solutions. Just-In-Mind AB is a Lotus and IBM Business Partner. Solutions and Services: * Programming Languages: LotusScript, Java, C++, VB, ASP, HTML, JavaScript. * Database Integration with SQL and XML. * MS Office Integration with Notes and Domino employing OLE / COM / VBA. * Languages: English, Swedish, Spanish and Russian

  • Ny företagsprofil

    Just-In-Mind AB is a software company focused on the development of highly interactive Internet and Intranet Solutions. Just-In-Mind AB is a Lotus and IBM Business Partner. Solutions and Services: * Programming Languages: LotusScript, Java, C++, VB, ASP, HTML, JavaScript. * Database Integration with SQL and XML. * MS Office Integration with Notes and Domino employing OLE / COM / VBA. * Languages: English, Swedish, Spanish and Russian

Just-In-Mind's Keywords

database | Business Intelligence | Visual Basic | Lotus Notes | Vba | Programming Languages | Database Integration