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- BORÅS Västra Götaland, 503 08
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Skriv din recensionLED ILLUMINATED ESCAPE ROUTE SIGNS. Our patented method of effectively leading in light from light emitting LEDs in a light guiding board has led to the creation of a completely maintenace-free and extremly energy-efficient luminaire. In the EXIT range all components are selected, loaded and fitted in such a way that the maintenace-free lifeline is at least 10 years
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LED ILLUMINATED ESCAPE ROUTE SIGNS. Our patented method of effectively leading in light from light emitting LEDs in a light guiding board has led to the creation of a completely maintenace-free and extremly energy-efficient luminaire. In the EXIT range all components are selected, loaded and fitted in such a way that the maintenace-free lifeline is at least 10 years