Benno Voorham
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Benno Voorham
Kategorier: Unknown
- Telefon
- 08-570 243 01
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- Hemsida
- Adress
- Hinsaringen 34, Värmdö Stockholm, 139 53
0 Kundrekommendation
Skriv din recensionBenno has been a major force in introducing CI to many of the Eastern European countries. In both 1998 and 2002 he organized the ECITE conference (European Contact Improvisation Teachers Exchange) in Sweden together with Sybrig Dokter, with whom he founded LAVA- Dansproduktion in 1997
- Beskrivning
Ny företagsprofil
Benno has been a major force in introducing CI to many of the Eastern European countries. In both 1998 and 2002 he organized the ECITE conference (European Contact Improvisation Teachers Exchange) in Sweden together with Sybrig Dokter, with whom he founded LAVA- Dansproduktion in 1997
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